Our Services

The NWESD Behavior Coaching & Consultation team works closely with your district’s Special Education teams to provide the support services to assist district staff in the monitoring, reporting, and supports of students with behavioral issues and Individual Education Plan (IEPs), Functional Behavior Assessment (FBAs), Behavior Intervention Plan (BIPs), and coaching classroom teachers.

A behavior specialist aids in building the capacity of individual teachers and building level teams to support students who exhibit non-prosocial behavior.

Assist district staff with the development and implementation of FBAs, BIPs, and programs for students with disabilities that present behavior/learning challenges.

Work with district staff to reintegrate students with behavioral disorders into the classroom.

Monitors the implementation of BIP as developed by IEP teams and works with the team on communication with families.

Fees are based upon district needs. A district may purchase a number of pre-set days or work with the NWESD for a flexible or “not to exceed” number of days. To receive an estimated quote, please contact Chelsea Wolbert, our Behavior Specialist, Fran McCarthy, or Kristi Gunerius.