The NWESD Professional Development Coordinating Council (PDCC) provides in-service clock hour approval for school districts and select organizations within our region. All organizations requesting to submit a clock hour proposal through the NWESD must be pre-approved and the course must be designed to meet the standards set forth in the WAC 181-85-200.

To request NWESD approval to submit a clock hour proposal for your district or organization, please contact Cindy Garrison for further information and instruction on submitting a proposal through pdEnroller.

Clock Hour Proposal Information:

  • All district and outside organizations must be pre-approved by the NWESD in order to submit a clock hour proposal.
  • Proposals are submitted through the pdEnroller software platform, and submitters must have a pdEnroller account with an up-to-date profile.
  • The complete proposal must be received a minimum of ten full working days prior to the first day of the event. New proposals must be submitted for repeated events regardless of the event being approved in the past.
  • Events approved for clock hours must be a minimum of one hour and may be offered in half-hour increments. They may be held over a series of days. Meal times and breaks cannot be included when calculating the number of clock hours requested. Approval cannot be granted for routine staff meetings.
  • All course instructors must have professional experience on file. Presenter experience may be added in the presenter field of the proposal process.
  • The NWESD PDCC will review your proposal to verify that Washington State in-service/professional development requirements are met. Upon approval of your event, a confirmation email will be sent to you along with the attendance sheet(s).
  • It is the responsibility of the event organizer to maintain accurate attendance records and verify attendance.
  • Following the completion of the course, the event organizer will submit verified attendance records to the Clock Hour & Registration System Coordinator for processing in pdEnroller.
  • When attendance is finalized by the NWESD, course participants will receive an automatic email from pdEnroller, at which time they can take the survey and purchase the clock hours if they wish to do so.