September 26, 2022; 8:30 AM

Northwest Educational Service District
1601 R Avenue, Anacortes, WA 98221

The regular meeting of the Northwest Educational Service District Board of Directors was held in-person on Monday, September 26, 2022. Chair Charles Crabtree called the meeting to order at 8:32 AM at the La Conner Channel Lodge in La Conner, WA.

Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance

Members present:

Charlie Crabtree
Ann McMurray
Susan Phillips
Jack Thompson
Oscar Escalante
Merle Kirkley
Mark Venn
Cory Duskin

Staff present:

Larry Francois
Jennifer Longchamps

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the August 22, 2022, regular board meeting were presented for approval. It was recommended that Enrique Lopez be added to the staff present section of the minutes. Jack Thompson moved, and Oscar Escalante seconded, to approve the minutes of the August 22, 2022, regular board meeting with the suggested addition.  Motion carried.

Comments From the Public

No public comment was provided.

Approval of Agenda

Mark Venn moved, and Ann McMurray seconded, to approve the agenda, as presented.  Motion carried.

Consent Agenda

Approval of the General Fund Warrants

Approval of the General Fund warrants numbered #203472 through #203529 in the amount of $740,427.91 and #000000054 in the amount of $1,966.31 and #203551 through #203640 in the amount of $282,755.93 and Accounts Payable ACH payment #9000000366 through #9000000395 in the amount of $8,207.69 were presented.

Approval of the General Fund Financial Report

No General Fund Financial Report due to year-end closing

Approval of Payroll

Approval of September payroll warrants #203534 through #203538 for salaries in the amount of $11,211.70, #203539 through #203550 to payroll vendors in the amount of $25,284.96, a repayment to accounts payable for Health Care Authority costs in the amount of $248,519.96, reserve for Compensated Absence reimbursement in the amount of $16,954.00, an electronic transfer in the amount of $556,023.29 for payroll tax liability and DRS contributions, and an electronic transfer of employee direct deposits in the amount of $832,598.64 for a total of $1,690,592.55 was presented.

Approval of Labor and Industries Trust Financial Report

No Labor and Industries Trust Financial Report due to year-end closing

Approval of Labor and Industries Trust Warrants

Approval of Labor and Industries Trust warrant numbered #203530 in the amount of $11.67 was presented.

Approval of Unemployment Pool Warrants

Approval of Unemployment Pool warrants #203531 through #203533 in the amount of $88,859.61 and #203641 through #203642 in the amount of $3,325.98 were presented.

Approval of Unemployment Pool Financial Report

No Unemployment Pool Financial Report due to year-end closing

Approval of Out-of-State Travel

Out-of-State Travel in the amount of $15,804.65 was presented.

Approval of Personnel Report

Personnel Reports indicating terminations, hiring, and reclassification of NWESD employees were presented.

Approval of Election of Certificated Staff

Election of Certificated Staff reports indicating hiring of certificated employees were presented.

It was moved by Merle Kirkley and seconded by Sue Phillips to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Motion carried.

Report to the Board

Larry Francois shared a report on the history of Educational Service Districts. Some of the highlights included:

  • WA Schools and Districts – Then and Now
  • District Consolidations
  • The Purpose of ESDs
  • ESD Governance
  • Review of the Association of ESDs (AESD)
  • NWESD Mission, Vision, Goals

New and Pending Business

Approval of Position Description

The new position of Software Support Analyst I was shared with the board. Larry Francois explained that this position was written based on the current Software Support Analyst position with lesser responsibilities and experience required. This will allow for tiered level support. The recommended salary placement is Schedule III, Range 3 which is about 9% below a current beginning Software Support Analyst, and just under 18% below a Software Support Analyst who has reached proficiency.

Jack Thompson moved, and Merle Kirkley seconded, to approve the new Software Support Analyst I position description and recommended salary placement as presented. Motion carried.

Items for Information

Independent Contractor Agreements

Independent Contractor Agreements were presented to the board for review.

2022-23 NWESD Departmental SMART Goals

The 2022-23 Departmental SMART Goal Reports were presented to the board for review. Larry Francois commented that the report conveys how different all of the departments are. Programs were asked to organize their work under the NWESD three main goals.

NWESD 189 Districts’ 4-Year Budget Projections

The 4-year budget projections for NWESD 189 region school districts was presented to the board. Larry Francois noted that the McCleary settlement required school districts to provide a 4-year budget projection. There is a challenge that districts are facing; the end of the ESSER money is approaching, staff compensation and high inflation are all things that districts are having to consider when making their budget projections. Enrollment has tapered off during the pandemic and hasn’t returned to pre-pandemic levels. Districts have projected a slow decline given the current FTE.

Holiday Board Reception

Larry Francois shared the past practice of the holiday board reception hosted by the NWESD Board of Directors. This reception would take place prior to the December board meeting. The NWESD staff and public were invited to attend. It was suggested that perhaps the NWESD board attend the NWESD Winter Celebration luncheon instead thus allowing more staff to attend. The board agreed unanimously to adjust the meeting schedule and will plan to attend the December staff luncheon. The December board meeting will be rescheduled to begin at 2:00 p.m.

Presenting Regional AESD Accreditation Plaques

Superintendent Francois shared that 12 high schools in the NWESD region recently completed their initial or renewal accreditation through the AESD Accreditation process. Plaque presentations have been scheduled for upcoming school district board meetings or staff meetings. Interested board members were invited to co-present accreditation plaques with Superintendent Francois.

NWESD Salary Review Schedule 2023-2026

The NWESD Salary Review Schedule for 2023-2026 was presented to the board. Superintendent Francois shared that the last approved salary review schedule included a three-year cycle with one-third of employee groups being reviewed annually. Groups were edited from the previous cycle with consideration for when they were last reviewed, the costs of potential salary increases to be spread as evenly as possible across position groups, and the program budgets that support them.

Superintendent’s Report

NWESD District Leadership Team Visits: Larry Francois shared that prior to the pandemic the NWESD Leadership Team had been meeting with the leadership teams/cabinets of one-third of regional districts annually to discuss the working relationship between the district and the NWESD. The Leadership team is resuming these meetings and has prioritized visits with those districts that have superintendents in their second or third year in their superintendent role. Visits have been scheduled with the following districts: Anacortes, Blaine, La Conner, Lakewood, Lopez Island, Mt. Vernon, Sedro Woolley, Shaw Island, and Stanwood.

ESD School Safety Center Performance Audit: Larry Francois shared that the Secretary of State’s office is going to complete a performance audit on school safety centers. Their office will be looking at the provision of services only.

Statewide Classified Employee of the Year: Veronica Gonzales, Multi-Lingual Family Liaison, Mt. Vernon High School: Larry Francois shared that Veronica Gonzales was awarded the Statewide Classified Employee of the Year.

Senator Wellman’s Visit to La Venture Middle School: Superintendent Francois noted that Senator Wellman visited La Venture Middle School and met with board members earlier in September (12th). As part of her listening tour, she is going to individual schools. Her passion is computer science, distance learning, and technology. It’s a good opportunity to discuss what districts are planning to do once the ESSER money ends.

OSPI Status:  Larry Francois shared that he has been involved in additional conversations with OSPI in regards to their request for some financial assistance from the ESD’s. This latest meeting involved conversations of how the money was going to be collected and paid to OSPI. Additionally, different business models were discussed, specifically how ESD’s operate internally. As an example, the group discussed the management of technology support (internal taxation system) in each ESD. Also discussed during this meeting was OSPI’s practice of sole source contracting.

Items Originating with the Board

AESD/Legislative Report

Merle Kirkley shared an update from the AESD. There is a meeting scheduled at the upcoming WSSDA conference. They will be developing goals for the year. Larry Francois added that the interlocal agreements are being reviewed.

Charlie Crabtree shared the Legislative Report and noted only that they are coming up on midterm elections.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:03 AM.

Minutes approved on October 24, 2022 in regular session of the NWESD Board of Directors.