March 25, 2024; 6:30 PM

Northwest Educational Service District
1601 R Ave, Anacortes, WA 98221

Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance

The regular meeting of the Northwest Educational Service District Board of Directors was held in person on Monday, March 25, 2024. Board Chair Sue Phillips called the meeting to order at 6:28 PM at the Northwest Educational Service District in Anacortes, WA.

Members present:

Sue Phillips
Merle Kirkley
Oscar Escalante
Jack Thompson
Ann McMurray
Mark Venn
Alan Erickson

Staff present:

Larry Francois
David Forsythe
Lisa Matthews
Deka Smith
Jennifer Longchamps
Lynn Lynch

Guests Present:

Dana Anderson, WSIPC
Kelly Bashaw

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the February 26, 2024, regular board meeting were presented for approval. Jack Thompson moved, and Ann McMurray seconded, to approve the minutes of the February 26, 2024, regular board meeting.  Motion carried. Sue Phillips, Mark Venn, and Alan Erickson abstained due to their absence at the February 26, 2024, meeting.

Comments From the Public

No public comment was provided.

Approval of Agenda

Mark Venn moved, and Alan Erickson seconded, to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried.

Director District Interviews for Director District #1

Kelly Bashaw was interviewed by the board in an open session for the Director District #1 vacancy.

Director Appointment and Oath of Office

It was the consensus of the board to remain in open session to consider the candidate’s application and interview. Merle Kirkley moved, and Jack Thompson seconded, to appoint Kelly Bashaw as the NWESD Director of District #1. Motion carried unanimously.

Superintendent Francois administered the Oath of Office to new board member Kelly Bashaw.

Consent Agenda

Approval of the General Fund Warrants

Approval of the General Fund warrants #206206 through #206262 in the amount of $652,636.41 and accounts payable electronic wire transfer payment #000000075 in the amount of $1,989.09 and warrants #206282 through #206344 in the amount of $542,906.19 and accounts payable ACH payment #9000001274 through #9000001337 in the amount of $21,414.46 were presented.

Approval of the General Fund Financial Report

Approval of the General Fund Financial Report with the total ending net position equity in the amount of $16,921,005.35 was presented.

Approval of Payroll

Approval of February payroll warrants #206265 through #206270 for salaries in the amount of $17,638.16, #206271 through #206281 to payroll vendors in the amount of $52,344.92, repayment to accounts payable for health care authority costs in the amount of $288,727.51, refund of American Fidelity premiums in the amount of ($191.98), reserve for compensated absence reimbursement in the amount of $14,546.57, an electronic transfer in the amount of $726,211.67 for payroll tax liability and DRS contributions, and an electronic transfer of employee direct deposits in the amount of $1,154,497.31 for a total of $2,253,774.16 were presented.

Approval of NW Washington Workers’ Compensation Trust Financial Report

Approval of the NW Workers Compensation Trust Financial Report with the total ending net position equity in the amount of $504,301.50 was presented.

Approval of NW Washington Workers’ Compensation Trust Fund Warrant

No NW Washington Workers’ Compensation Trust Fund warrants were presented.  

Approval of Unemployment Pool Warrants

Approval of Unemployment Pool warrants #206263 through #206264 in the amount of $618,152.24 and warrant #206345 in the amount of $4,074.17 were presented.

Approval of Unemployment Pool Financial Report

Approval of the Unemployment Pool Financial Report with the total ending net position equity in the amount of $11,192,413.36 was presented.

Approval of Out-of-State Travel

Approval of Out-of-State Travel in the amount of $2,271.50 was presented.

Approval of Personnel Report

Personnel Report indicating terminations, hiring, and reclassification of NWESD employees was presented.

Approval of Election of Certificated Staff

Election of Certificated Staff indicating hiring of certificated employees was presented.

It was moved by Ann McMurray and seconded by Alan Erickson to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion carried.

Board Report

Dr. Dana Anderson, WSIPC Executive Director/CEO, and Lynn Lynch, NWRDC Director, provided an overview of WSIPC and NWRDC services.

New and Pending Business

Approval of the NWESD 2024-25 Official Calendar

The NWESD 2024-25 Official Calendar was presented for approval.

Mark Venn moved, and Oscar Escalante seconded, to approve the NWESD 2024-25 Official Calendar as presented. Motion carried.

Items for Information

Independent Contractor Agreements

Independent Contractor Agreements were presented to the board for review.

Anticipated School District Bond/Levy Measures for April 23, 2024

Superintendent Francois shared the anticipated school district bond/levy measures for the April 23, 2024, ballot and noted that two districts are running measures in the upcoming ballot. The Mount Vernon School District is running a capital project levy that failed in the last election by six votes. The Lakewood School District is re-running both an EP&O levy and a capital projects levy.

Revisions to Policy 2022-P, Electronic Resources Procedures/Safety Requirements

Superintendent Francois shared revisions to Policy 2022-P, Electronic Resources Procedures/Safety Requirements, and noted the addition of the instructional use of Artificial intelligence (AI).

New Form 2022 F-3, NWESD 189 Cooperative Program Student AI Code of Conduct

Superintendent Francois shared a new form, 2022 F-3, NWESD 189 Cooperative Program Student AI Code of Conduct, and explained that this accompanies the procedure, 2022-P.

NWESD Regional Committee Boundary Change Impacts

Larry Francois summarized the purpose of the Regional Committee sharing that it convenes when there is a boundary dispute that cannot be resolved by the districts involved. Francois noted that when the NWESD completed its redistricting process that was completed in response to the 2020 Census data it created a shift in our director districts. This affected the Regional Committee districts as well and we are now working to realign those district directors. The redistricting created a vacancy in Director District #6.

Superintendent’s Report

Meeting with Lakewood School District Leadership following February Levy Failure: Larry Francois shared that he met with the Lakewood School District Leadership team following their levy failure in the last election. The purpose of the meeting was to help them strategize around rerunning their levies in April.

Meeting with Dr. Dana Geaslen, Incoming Granite Falls School District Superintendent: Superintendent Francois shared that he met with Dr. Dana Geaslen, the incoming Granite Falls School District Superintendent. Her background in special education will be critical in Granite Falls.

NWESD Superintendent Transition Update: Larry Francois shared that he has been meeting with incoming NWESD Superintendent, Dr. Vivanco, to discuss transition plans. Larry shared his upcoming schedule and noted his last planned day in the office is June 21, 2024.

Binding Conditions Updates: Superintendent Francois shared an update on the districts currently in binding conditions. He noted that the La Conner School District appears to be on track to exit binding conditions. The Mount Baker School District is working on a reduction plan and he projects they will remain in binding conditions for one more year. The Marysville School District has an April 15, 2024, deadline to submit a plan of how they intend to meet their binding conditions to OSPI. The NWESD will get a preview of their plan on April 8, 2024. The NWESD will recommend to OSPI for the Marysville School District to either remain in binding conditions or move to financial oversight. Francois also noted that Marysville School District lost its coverage by the Risk Management Pool and will now need to seek coverage in the private insurance market.

ECEAP Application Update: Superintendent Francois shared an update on the ECEAP Application. We applied for 100 ECEAP early childhood slots and were awarded 70 slots. We are now building a financial model to see if we can still support the work with 70 slots.

AI Training for NWESD Staff: Larry Francois shared that the NWESD will be offering AI training to all its staff. The training will start with introductory sessions and then move to more job-specific trainings.

Annual Superintendent Evaluation Reminder/Process/Timeline: Superintendent Francois shared the process and timeline of his upcoming evaluation. He shared that a plus delta will be sent to NWESD staff to collect their input about his performance on March 27, 2024. This input is due on April 12, 2024. The results from the staff input will be shared with the board at the April board meeting and it will also include end-of-year reflections. There will be the option of an executive session at the April board meeting to discuss the information that is presented. Individually, the board will complete electronic evaluations, which will be compiled and then the final evaluation will take place at the board meeting in May.

AESD Outcomes of the 2024 Legislative Session: Superintendent Francois provided an update of the outcomes of the 2024 Legislative session and noted that ESD’s did receive some of the Behavioral Health/Prevention Services funding that was requested. The NWESD will be better positioned than other ESDs because of the federal grant that we received. The MTSS received no additional funding, the NWESD has 2 years remaining on that grant. Inclusionary Practices Project (IPP) was funded for $5 million appropriated OSPI. ESD’s are waiting to see how OSPI plans to use the funding. The attendance reengagement work will largely fall away, unless OSPI can secure a separate funding source, and early learning coordinators were not funded.

Items Originating with the Board

AESD/Legislative Report

Board member Merle Kirkley reported updates on the upcoming AESD Annual Conference. Kirkley praised the AESD legislative liaison, Melissa Gombosky, for her end-of-session report and preview of the 2024 legislative election cycle.

Larry Francois added that there will be an AESD Annual Business Meeting at the AESD Conference. Board members in attendance will be asked to approve the association budget and vote on officers. The Association budget includes a $5,500 assessment per ESD to support the annual conference and $100 per board member for annual dues as allowed in statute. The network budget is approved by the superintendents. Larry noted that the NWESD assessment for 2024-25 will be $44,000, an increase of approximately $2300 from the 2023-24 assessment. He also added that OSPI will no longer contribute financially to the network.

Larry invited those attending the AESD Conference to his house for dinner on April 3, 2024, after the opening reception. Merle shared the theme of the AESD gift basket is “Tiptoe Through the Tulips”.

Jack Thompson shared that he met with the state auditors for the annual risk assessment.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM

Minutes approved on April 22, 2024, in regular session of the NWESD Board of Directors.