April 24, 2023; 7:00 p.m.

Northwest Educational Service District
1601 R Avenue, Anacortes, WA 98221

The regular meeting of the Northwest Educational Service District Board of Directors was held in person on Monday, April 24, 2023. Board Chair Charles Crabtree called the meeting to order at 6:50 PM at the NWESD office in Anacortes, WA.

Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance

Members present:

Charlie Crabtree
Cory Duskin
Susan Phillips
Merle Kirkley
Alan Erickson
Mark Venn
Oscar Escalante
Ann McMurray
Jack Thompson

Staff present:

Larry Francois
David Forsythe
Lisa Matthews
Deka Smith
Jennifer Longchamps
Cassie Stevens
Elizabeth Hanna

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the March 27, 2023, regular board meeting were presented for approval. Alan Erickson moved, and Jack Thompson seconded, to approve the minutes of the March 27, 2023, regular board meeting.  Motion carried. Ann McMurray abstained due to absence at the March 27, 2023, meeting.

Comments From the Public

No public comment was provided.

Approval of Agenda

Additions to the agenda were identified as 5.h. Approval of Additional Out-of-State Travel. Sue Phillips moved, and Ann McMurray seconded, to approve the agenda as amended.  Motion carried.

Consent Agenda

Approval of the General Fund Warrants

Approval of the General Fund warrants #204495 through #204560 in the amount of $708,612.59 and accounts payable electronic wire transfer payment #000000064 in the amount of $3,042.26 and warrants #204578 through #204655 in the amount of $247,961.39 and accounts payable ACH payment #9000000656 through #9000000706 in the amount of $12,112.42 were presented.

Approval of the General Fund Financial Report

Approval of the General Fund Financial Report with the total ending net position equity in the amount of $13,983,727.91 was presented.

Approval of Payroll

Approval of March payroll warrants #204561 through #204566 for salaries in the amount of $18,773.43, #204567 through #204577 to payroll vendors in the amount of $37,305.44, repayment to accounts payable for health care authority costs in the amount of $257,270.67, reserve for compensated absence reimbursement in the amount of $13,004.93 an electronic transfer in the amount of $625,514.72 for payroll tax liability and DRS contributions, and an electronic transfer of employee direct deposits in the amount of $937,225.14 for a total of $1,889,094.33 was presented.  

 Approval of NW Washington Workers’ Compensation Trust Fund Warrants

No NW Washington Workers’ Compensation Trust Fund warrants were presented.  

Approval of Labor and Industries Financial Report

Approval of the NW Workers Compensation Trust Financial Report with the total ending net position equity in the amount of $443,119.40 was presented.

Approval of Unemployment Pool Warrants

Approval of Unemployment Pool Warrant #204656 in the amount of $1,776.83 was presented.

Approval of Unemployment Pool Financial Report

Approval of the draft Unemployment Pool Financial Report with the total ending net position equity in the amount of $11,794,828.12 was presented.

Approval of Out-of-State Travel

Out-of-State Travel in the amount of $6,780.60 was presented.

Approval of Personnel Report

Personnel Report indicating terminations, hiring, and reclassification of NWESD employees was presented.

Approval of Election of Certificated Staff

No Election of Certificated Staff was presented.

It was moved by Alan Erickson and seconded by Sue Phillips to approve the Consent Agenda as amended. Motion carried.

Report to the Board

Cassie Stevens, IPP Coordinator, and Elizabeth Hanna, Attendance and Re-engagement Specialist, presented an update on student enrollment and re-engagement. Highlights from the presentation included:

  • Overview of the Attendance and Re-engagement project including program goals and funding,
  • Methods for re-engagement
  • Students of focus, priority districts, and targeted districts
  • NWESD partnership and service

New and Pending Business

Second Reading – Policy 2145, Suicide Prevention

Policy 2145, Suicide Prevention was presented for a second reading.

Jack Thompson moved, and Mark Venn seconded, to approve Policy 2145 – Suicide Prevention as presented. Motion carried.

Resolution NO. 2023-01, Authorizing a Reduction in Force of Certificated Staff

Resolution No. 2023-01, Authorizing a Reduction in Force of Certificated Staff was presented for approval. Larry Francois noted that at this point we may have changes in the Stanwood Open Doors program that would require a reduction in staff. This resolution provides Superintendent Francois the authority to notify certificated staff by May 15 if funding assurances are not provided by then.

Sue Phillips moved, and Ann McMurray seconded, to approve Resolution No. 2023-01, Authorizing a Reduction in Force of Certificated Staff, as presented. Motion carried.

Items for Information

Independent Contractor Agreements

Independent Contractor Agreements were presented to the board for review.

2023-24 Board Report Topics

Suggested 2023-23 board report topics were presented to the board for review.

Northwest Regional Learning Center Graduation, June 16, 2023, 1:00 p.m.

Larry Francois shared the graduation ceremony for the Northwest Regional Learning Center is scheduled to take place on June 16, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. All board members are invited to attend.

Superintendent Evaluation

Superintendent Francois shared an update of the annual superintendent evaluation process. The anonymous staff plus/delta feedback regarding Superintendent Francois’ performance was shared with the board along with his reflections on his 2022-23 performance goals. The electronic evaluation instrument will be sent to the board for their input with a return date of May 5, 2023. The evaluation information will be compiled and presented during the end-of-year conference that will be held during an executive session following the May 22, 2023, board meeting. Superintendent Francois’ contract requests will be addressed at the June 20, 2023, board meeting.

Superintendent’s Report

Legislative Session Update: Larry Francois shared an update of the adopted Legislative update. He reported that there was a fairly significant investment in Special Education as well as new resources for transportation. There is an expansion of free meals, learning recovery, and behavioral health funding specifically earmarked for ESDs. The transition to kindergarten program continues with some changes. The regionalization and experience factor rebase “smoothing” was funded. This session mostly focused on housing, transportation, natural resources, etc. not so much in the K-12 sector.

Regional Superintendent Vacancy Update: Larry Francois noted that currently, the Lakewood and Index school districts are looking for new superintendents.

Convening of School Directors and Tribal Leaders: Superintendent Francois shared an update about the Convening of School Directors and Tribal Leaders that was held on April 21, 2023, at the Swinomish Casino and Lodge. Francois was joined by board member, Jack Thompson at the event. This was a partnership between WSSDA and the OSPI Office of Native Education. This was the first of three sessions that are being offered around the state.

NWESD Value Statement: Larry Francois shared the updated NWESD Value Statements. These foundational statements replace the original NWESD Operating Principles. An Ad Hoc committee has been working to create these statements. There is a version for internal staff and an abbreviated version for our external partners. The committee is working to make this a living document moving forward.

Items Originating with the Board

AESD/Legislative Report

Larry Francois shared an update about the two primary Legislative priorities associated with the AESD. Behavioral health funding was successful but the funding for P-3 regional navigators was not funded.

De-brief the 2023 AESD Annual Conference

Sue Phillips shared highlights from the 2023 AESD Annual Conference. She, along with other board members who attended, said that having NWESD staff present and participating with the board was a highlight. The ability to network with other ESD board members was beneficial and it would be nice to spend more time meeting other boards to hear how they are doing things in their regions during future conferences. The constitution and budget were both approved.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:59 PM

Minutes approved on May 22, 2023, in regular session of the NWESD Board of Directors.