Equipping Students to Complete in a Global Economy

Fall is in the air, I can sense the excitement as students and educators head back into the classrooms after a much-needed summer break. As educators and students begin settling into new routines, the STEM and Career Connect Learning (CCL) Teams at the NWESD have hit the ground running with several exciting new initiatives to help our region’s teachers inspire and equip students with the skills and tools necessary to complete in a global economy!

I recently bumped into Jenny Veltri, NW Washington STEM Network Director and Career Connect Washington Regional Co-Director who caught me up on the initiative highlights. Jenny loves the supportive and collaborative team environment at the NWESD, which includes Science, Math, Education Technology, and Career Connected Learning. She said that through this team’s combined efforts they have been able to create momentum to implement a variety of exciting initiatives including:

NEW STEM Website Resources

Overview: STEM-related professional development opportunities, resources to train teachers, upcoming grant opportunities, review of instructional technology and data support science programs, the latest STEM news and contacts at the NWESD to support local STEM initiatives.

NEW Career Connect WA NW Network Website Resources 

Overview: the collaboration between NW WA STEM and Snohomish STEM, as well as workforce and educational organizations. The webpage details Career Explore, Career Prep, and Career Launch components. The page also includes Career Connect Washington (CCW) grant and funding opportunities, a list of past grant recipients and participants, and links to the CCW statewide directory.

NEW Career Connected Learning Specialist Positions at the NWESD

The NWESD is deep in the process of hiring two specialists who will focus on career exploration and career connected activities for students in our region. We will be introducing new team members soon, stay tuned!

And finally, we are excited to report that the Science Materials Center (SMC) is growing! 

Under the leadership of Kelly Spears, NWESD SMC manager, nearly 1,500 science kits are prepared and ready for teachers. In addition to new Mystery Science and middle school packs, new computer science packs were constructed this summer.

It is clear to me that the NWESD STEM and CCL teams have been busy bees this summer preparing for the new school year, and they are excited to connect with educators and students this fall. Please reach out to Jenny Veltri for more information about any of these resources or programs and have a wonderful first month of school!

Contact: Jenny Veltri, NW Washington STEM Network Director and Career Connect Washington Regional Co-Director jveltri@nwesd.org