There is no controversy: humans have altered the world around us in such drastic ways that climate change is perhaps the single most pressing issue of our time. If we are going to mitigate the effects of what we have done to the planet, we need to educate people about the problem itself, the science behind the problems, and about potential ways to reduce its impact on human populations.

Governor Inslee worked with the Washington State Legislature last year to create a 4-million dollar proviso to fund Climate Science and Next Generation Science Standards training for teachers throughout Washington State. Educational Service Districts worked alongside Community Based Organizations to schedule and host professional learning opportunities. And this program was successful!

  • 99% of participants agreed (or strongly agreed) that participation prepared them with the necessary skills to try something new or different in their professional practice.
  • 95% of participants agreed that they have broadened or deepened their understanding of research-based instructional practices. 
  • 88% of participants shared that they have broadened or deepened their knowledge of topics related to climate science.

Happily, the Washington State Legislature has expanded the ClimeTime Proviso funding from 4-million over one year to $6-million over the next two years. The Northwest Educational Service District 189 (NWESD) and the Association of Educational Service Districts (AESD) will continue to work alongside OSPI, university, and Community Based partners to provide training to teachers in our region. Many of these offerings will be available through NWESD’s PDenroller system, but you can learn more about them at NWESD’s ClimeTime website and you can learn more about the ClimeTime Proviso on the statewide website. 

And if you or people you know want to learn more about powerful changes that can effect the necessary changes far beyond plastic straws and turning off lights, you might be interested in the book Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming.Â