Teachers of English Language Learners have the dual responsibility of helping students understand science content and helping them to develop their English language proficiency. By using sheltered instruction techniques, teachers can adeptly give their ELLs access to rigorous academic instruction that will support their language growth as well.

Planning for Effective Instruction:
As teachers of all subjects and grade levels know, effective instruction doesn’t just happen. As teachers, we need to plan for, not only what we want students to learn, but also how we will help them access that learning by intentionally teaching vocabulary, scaffolding speaking and writing exercises and modeling and showing pictures to make our instruction comprehensible for English learners. In these videos and lesson plans, you will see how one teacher has carefully planned in order to incorporate each of these elements into her science lesson.

Supporting Language Development in Science:
Supporting English Learners in developing their language in Science requires the intentional use of certain strategies, supports and techniques. It is critical for English learners (like all students) to use all four domains of language as much as possible to develop their English skills, learn new concepts, build literacy and engage with the subject matter.

Science Notebook Resources for ELLs: