1230 – Secretary

  1. The Superintendent shall serve as the Secretary of the Board.
  2. The Secretary of the Board shall send the members of the Board notice of all regular and special meetings.
  3. The Secretary shall keep full and accurate records of all regular and special meetings held by the Board.
  4. The Secretary shall transmit copies of orders, resolutions, and documents that are to be sent to members of the Board. He/she shall promptly notify any committees with reference to matters assigned to them and shall furnish them with all papers, copies of orders, or other matters included in such reference.
  5. In the absence of the Secretary, the Superintendent’s designee shall act, or if he/she is not available, the chair may appoint a member of the NWESD 189 staff to serve as recording secretary pro tem.

First Reading:

Second Reading: 02/09/77 (as 8110.2)
Reviewed: 04/22/92 (as 8110.2)
Revised: 03/28/01 (recodifed 1230)
Revised: 06/23/04


RCW 28A.310.220
RCW 28A.310.290
RCW 28A.310.300
RCW 28A.310.310

Date Revised: 6/23/04